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Sandy Springs Bus Accident Lawyer

Many Americans depend on buses as a primary mode of transportation, and rely on them to get to work, go to school, run errands, and even travel between cities and states. While many bus passengers ride the bus out of necessity, some choose to ride a bus over other modes of transportation due to its low carbon footprint, as well as its convenience in certain areas. Unfortunately, buses share something in common with other motor vehicles: they can be involved in serious accidents.

Bus accidents can cause a great deal of harm, not just to those inside the bus, but to pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers as well. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bus accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. The Sandy Springs auto accident lawyers at Ashenden & Associates can review your case and help determine the best plan of action for your bus accident claim.

We want to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Call us at 770-394-8909 to schedule a free consultation with a member of our expert legal team.

How Common Are Bus Accidents in the United States?

According to the Department of Transportation, there are around 60,000 bus accidents every year in the U.S. This number includes school bus accidents, which, while rare, can harm some of the most vulnerable members of our society—our children. According to the National Safety Council, accidents involving school buses resulted in 108 fatalities in the year 2021.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents in Sandy Springs and Atlanta, GA

Bus accidents can be caused by various different factors, many of which involve negligence on someone’s behalf. Below are some of the most common bus accident causes.

Driver Fatigue

Tired drivers can cause severe accidents, regardless of what kind of vehicle they’re driving. When bus drivers get fatigued, however, they have a much higher capacity for harm, due to the size, weight, and number of occupants most buses have. Additionally, many buses run for extended periods of time, which can make it difficult for bus drivers to properly rest and recharge when they need to.

Sandy Springs bus accident lawyer

Driver Error

Like all auto accidents, some bus accidents are caused by driver error. Negligent bus drivers can drive recklessly and cause an accident by failing to obey the rules of the road. Drivers of other vehicles can also crash into buses as a result of their own negligence.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

Some bus drivers may illegally operate buses while under the influence of drugs or other substances, which can cause them to crash. While this can cause the bus driver to face criminal charges, if their employer failed to properly vet their drivers or drug test them regularly, the bus company may be partially liable for the accident.

Mechanical Failure

In some rare cases, a bus accident can be caused by a mechanical failure. If the manufacturer installs a faulty part on a bus, and that faulty part just so happens to cause a bus accident, then the manufacturer may be held liable for any damages the accident caused.

bus accident attorney

Common Bus Accident Injuries Our Sandy Springs Personal Injury Lawyers See

Bus accident injuries can be very similar to other car accident injuries but, in some cases, they can be much more severe. Some of the most common injuries from bus accidents include:

While some injuries may be minor, or may feel insignificant immediately after the crash, victims may have internal injuries that only become apparent in the hours or days following the accident. For example, if a victim hits their head during the crash, and they start to experience a prolonged headache later after they’ve gotten home, they may be experiencing symptoms of a serious head injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered from serious injuries in a bus accident, you’ll need an experienced bus accident lawyer to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Call the lawyers at Ashenden & Associates today at 770-394-8909 and discuss your accident case with one of our skilled bus accident attorneys.

What To Do After a Bus Accident in the Atlanta Area

The moments after a bus accident can be incredibly confusing and stressful, regardless of whether you were inside or outside of the bus at the time of the crash. If you find yourself in an accident with a bus whether it be an Atlanta MARTA bus, a school bus, or some other commercial bus line  there are a few important steps you should take, if you are physically able to.

bus lawyer

Call 911

In the event of a bus accident, victims, witnesses, or other involved parties should call local law enforcement and request emergency services, depending on what they need. At a minimum, you should contact the police and talk to them at the scene so that they can file a police report about the bus accident. This ensures that there is a written record of the accident and the things that caused the accident, which can help in any future personal injury claims that are filed as a result of the bus accident.

Seek Medical Attention

If you are injured in a bus accident, you should seek medical attention as soon as you can, even if your injuries are minor or not apparent to the naked eye. Injured bus accident victims can suffer from serious and debilitating wounds, but the adrenaline from the accident can mask that pain temporarily. Plus, it’s better to seek treatment and not need it than to deny medical treatment altogether.

If you do seek medical attention, be sure to keep track of your bills and any out-of-pocket payments you make. If the bus accident was the result of negligence, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses in a personal injury case.

Exchange Information With Witnesses

After the bus accident, talk to any witnesses, victims, or others involved in the incident and exchange personal information with them. This includes the bus driver. Get their names, phone numbers, and insurance information, if you are able to. This information could help you file a claim with an insurance company, but it can also help your lawyer get in contact with witnesses in the event of a trial.

Document the Accident Scene

If you are able to, take pictures of the accident scene. This can include pictures of the inside and outside of the bus, other vehicles involved in the crash, the area surrounding the crash site, and any injuries you suffered as a result of the bus accident. These pictures can help when filing a claim with an insurance company or they can even be used as evidence in a bus accident lawsuit.

Call a Sandy Springs Bus Accident Attorney

After you’ve sought medical treatment, talked to police, and gathered information and documentation of the accident, you should call an experienced bus accident attorney. Bus accident claims can be more difficult to navigate than other car accident claims, since they can involve big bus companies and government entities, in addition to individual drivers.

If you are injured in a school bus or MARTA bus accident, you want to call an attorney with experience in handling bus accident cases, like the Sandy Springs bus accident lawyers at Ashenden & Associates. Our expert personal injury attorneys have the skills and knowledge to take on your bus accident case and help you receive the compensation you deserve. Call us at 770-394-8909 to schedule a free consultation regarding your case.

Determining Fault in a Bus Accident

When dealing with a personal injury case, it’s important to determine who was at fault for the accident so that victims can receive compensation from their insurance provider. In bus accidents, there are a few individuals and groups that could be responsible for part or all of the incident.

Bus Driver

One of the most obvious at-fault parties in a bus accident could be a negligent bus driver. If a bus driver makes a mistake while driving, operates the bus while under the influence, or falls asleep behind the wheel, then they may be found liable in the event of an accident.

Other Driver

Other drivers can also cause bus accidents and be found liable for damages. If another driver on the road crashes into a bus, they could be blamed for the accident. While buses are large, durable vehicles, cars and trucks can still do a good deal of damage to a private or public bus. Big trucks are especially destructive and can cause serious injuries when they crash into other vehicles.

bus accident lawyers

Bus Company

One of the less obvious at-fault parties could be the bus company that owns the bus. If the company fails to properly maintain the bus, or they fail to properly vet their drivers, they can be found partially or fully responsible for causing a bus accident. There are two main types of buses: public and private. Below, we’ll expound on who would be held liable for bus accidents involving these different types of buses.

Public Bus

If a public bus, such as a MARTA bus, is in a bus accident, whatever government entity or local municipality that oversees that bus could be found liable for damages caused by the accident.

While school buses function independently from public buses, very few school districts in Georgia outsource their buses to private bus companies. If a non-private bus is involved in an accident, the governing body that controls school transportation could be responsible for the accident.

Private Bus

If a privately owned bus is involved in an accident, then the private bus company could be found negligent and be held responsible for damages. These could include charter buses, private intercity buses, motorcoaches, tour buses, trolley buses, and party buses. Some of the most recognizable private bus companies include Greyhound, Megabus, and Omnibus.

Bus Manufacturer

Bus manufacturers can also be held financially responsible for a bus accident. For example, if the bus has a faulty or defective part, the bus can malfunction and be involved in an accident. Also, if the bus manufacturer breaches a warranty, or is negligent in the manufacturing process, they can also be found liable for damages, if their negligence causes a bus accident.

bus crash lawyer

How Much Can You Get From a Bus Accident Settlement in Georgia?

Bus accident settlement amounts can vary depending on the extent of the damages, the severity of the injuries, and/or the degree of emotional distress that the accident caused. Some less severe bus accidents can allow victims to recover thousands and tens of thousands of dollars. More severe bus accidents, however, can result in victims or their families receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation, especially in cases involving wrongful death.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a bus accident injury, you’ll need a skilled bus accident attorney who can help you seek the maximum compensation for your losses. The attorneys at Ashenden & Associates, P.C. can help you receive financial compensation from the parties responsible for the bus accident, and ensure that they are held responsible for their negligence. Call us at 770-394-8909 to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team.

Compensation for Sandy Springs Bus Accident Victims

Bus accident claims can help victims recover compensation for both economic damages as well as non-economic damages. Bus accident victims can receive compensation for damages such as:

  • Medical expenses;
  • Lost wages;
  • Loss of earning ability;
  • Property damage;
  • Physical pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress; and
  • Funeral and burial expenses, in the event of a wrongful death.
bus accident law firm

Sandy Springs Bus Accident Lawyers

Buses are designed to be safe, efficient modes of transportation for solo travelers as well as big groups. However, when buses are involved in accidents, they can cause serious damage due to their size, weight, and high occupant capacity. If you have been a victim of a bus accident, Ashenden & Associates, P.C. is here to help.

Our personal injury law firm is dedicated to providing our clients with the best legal counsel and providing each case with the care and attention it deserves. Call us at 770-394-8909 or reach out to us online and schedule a free consultation with one of our bus accident lawyers today.