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Causes of Truck Accidents

The results can be catastrophic when passenger vehicles are in an accident involving delivery trucks, tractor-trailers, or commercial trucks. Smaller vehicles are no match for the massive commercial trucks they share the highways with. This means the drivers and passengers involved can often be left with serious injuries, often requiring extensive medical care. Unfortunately, many truck accidents can have fatal results, according to the National Safety Council, which reported that over 5,000 people were killed in commercial truck accidents in 2021. 

If you or a loved one were involved in a trucking accident, you deserve to pursue financial compensation for damages. The Sandy Springs personal injury attorneys at Ashenden & Associates, P.C. are ready to help. With over 50 years of combined experience, our attorneys can handle whatever the defense throws at them. At Ashenden & Associates, P.C., we aim to recover maximum compensation for damages and ensure the responsible parties are held accountable. 

To discuss your case with one of our compassionate attorneys, call 770-394-8909 to schedule a free consultation today. 

What Are Common Causes of Truck Accidents in the U.S.?

causes of truck accidents georgia

Even though the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates truck drivers regarding the hours they drive and maintenance, it’s not uncommon for drivers and trucking companies to ignore those rules. 

The rules and regulations created by the FMCSA are there for a reason so that both truck drivers and passenger cars they share the roads with are all kept safe. When truck drivers ignore those regulations, they can be involved in motor vehicle crashes, which can have catastrophic results because of the size and weight of the truck. The most common causes of truck accidents are listed below. 

Fatigued Driving

Truck drivers are under enormous pressure to deliver their cargo quickly. This can result in many drivers ignoring the rules the FMCSA created to prevent driver fatigue. According to these FMCSA regulations, commercial drivers carrying property are allowed to drive 11 hours after resting for ten consecutive hours. They’re also required to take a 30-minute break when they’ve been driving for eight consecutive hours. Even if truck drivers do sleep or take the required breaks, they don’t get enough sleep or rest, which can lead to driver fatigue or falling asleep behind the wheel. 

If you’ve been injured by a trucker who fell asleep behind the wheel, contact our Atlanta truck driver fatigue lawyer to learn about your options.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol

According to the FMCSA, truck drivers are not allowed to consume alcohol four hours before beginning their shift and are not allowed to consume alcohol at all while driving. The blood-alcohol content (BAC) level for commercial drivers is 0.04%. If a truck driver is caught driving under the influence, they can potentially lose their commercial driver’s license and even their job.   

Reckless and Careless Driving

Commercial truck drivers can be just as guilty as other motorists regarding careless and reckless driving. They put all passenger cars at risk when they speed, ignore traffic signals, tailgate, and more.  

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can happen in several ways, from listening to the radio, texting, talking on the phone, and looking at GPS. Anytime drivers aren’t 100% focused on the road ahead, they’re driving distracted. Even when the driver of a passenger vehicle becomes distracted, they can put other motorists at risk. 

However, when a distracted driver is driving a commercial truck, it can lead to serious truck accident injuries and even death. A study released by the Institute for Safer Trucking found that distracted commercial truckers were involved in 248 fatal crashes, causing 277 fatalities in 2020.  

Violation of FMCSA Regulations

causes of trucking accidents

The FMCSA is responsible for monitoring trucking companies and commercial truck drivers so that they can help provide safe roadways for both commercial and passenger vehicle drivers. These rules were created to help reduce large truck crashes and the severe injuries they can cause. However, despite the efforts of the FMCSA, commercial truck accidents still happen and are often caused by ignoring the FMCSA regulations. 

Poor Cargo Loading

Commercial trucks must be loaded a certain way to distribute weight properly. When loaders or drivers don’t spread the weight of the cargo or secure it, it can lead to truck accidents. If the shipment isn’t properly secured, it can become loose and spill onto the road, causing hazards for other passenger car drivers. 

If the driver did not load the cargo, they should still check to ensure that it’s been properly loaded and secured to avoid causing an accident. In cases where the cargo was improperly loaded or secured, the party responsible for loading the shipment can be held liable, in addition to the driver. 

Poor Vehicle Maintenance

The FMCSA also created maintenance regulations to ensure drivers and companies properly maintain commercial vehicles. When commercial trucks aren’t maintained, they risk enduring trucking accidents caused by tire blowouts or other malfunctions. Companies and drivers can often forget or skip maintenance to save money, creating hazardous road conditions that endanger other drivers. 

Our Sandy Springs truck tire blowout accident attorney can help if you’ve been injured by a negligent driver.

Poor Road Conditions

Bad road conditions are another common cause of truck accidents. Roadway issues include improper signage, potholes, and missing maintenance hole covers. In some cases, the government can be liable in truck accident cases if they fail to post proper signage warnings indicating road hazards. 

Inclement Weather

Poor weather conditions can wreak havoc on a truck driver’s schedule, so many continue driving even in conditions they should not. Ice, snow, and rain can all lead to visibility issues and cause the roadways to become slick, creating a dangerous combination for commercial truck drivers.  

Tight Schedules

Commercial drivers are often under immense pressure to deliver their shipments quickly to increase their company’s profits. However, this pressure can cause drivers to speed or drive recklessly to meet their company’s expectations. When the company prioritizes profit over safety, the results can be catastrophic. 

Poor Truck Driver Training

When a truck driver is not properly trained, they won’t be able to properly react to road hazards or other driving situations that a more experienced driver would easily be able to maneuver. Commercial drivers must be rigorously trained before getting behind the wheel to handle anything the highways throw at them. According to the Institute for Safer Trucking, young drivers between 18 and 20 years of age are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal truck accident caused by distracted driving.  

Can You Sue for a Semi-Truck Accident in Georgia?

causes of semi truck accidents

If you were involved in a truck accident caused by negligence, you could have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Commercial truck accidents can often lead to serious and catastrophic injuries that require a lifetime of medical care. 

In truck accident cases, several parties can be liable for damages, so it’s critical to work with an experienced truck accident lawyer. Depending on the accident’s circumstances, the truck driver, truck company, or both may be liable for damages. 

Proving Negligence of Truck Drivers, Trucking Companies, or Manufacturers in a Lawsuit

Proving negligence in your truck accident case is critical. However, since many different parties can be involved in truck accident cases, pinpointing who is to blame can be difficult. The following parties may be held responsible for damages following crashes involving large trucks. 

  • Truck driver: If it’s found that the driver acted negligently, which caused the accident, they can be held liable for damages. Examples of driver negligence include driver fatigue, speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence. The driver can also be considered negligent if they fail to adhere to traffic signals or perform other illegal traffic maneuvers. 
  • Trucking company: The company can be liable if they over-scheduled their driver, did not train the driver, or told the driver to ignore FMCSA regulations. If the trucking company skipped maintenance, they can also be found responsible for damages. Since drivers work on the trucking company’s behalf as employees, the company can often be the at-fault party. 
  • Manufacturer: The manufacturer can be liable if a defective part caused a commercial truck accident. Truck manufacturers are responsible for testing equipment to ensure their safety. If a company continues to use defective or recalled equipment, it can be found guilty of negligence. 

Since truck accidents involve multiple negligent parties, working with a personal injury attorney with experience handling these cases is important. At Ashenden & Associates, P.C., our truck accident attorneys have represented countless clients throughout Sandy Springs in lawsuits involving large truck accidents. If you or a loved one were injured in a commercial truck accident, contact the Sandy Springs truck accident attorneys today. 

Semi-Truck Accident Damages our Sandy Springs Lawyers Can Pursue

causes of 18 wheeler accidents

When a passenger vehicle collides with a commercial truck, the results can be catastrophic. Drivers and passengers in the other vehicles are often left with severe, life-threatening injuries. You shouldn’t be responsible for paying the medical bills that can follow such a serious accident, which is why courts award average truck accident settlements based on the injuries.

Your Sandy Springs truck accident attorney at Ashenden & Associates will fight relentlessly to recover the maximum compensation for your injuries. The personal injury attorneys at Ashenden & Associates, P.C. have recovered the following damages for their clients involved in truck accidents. 

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Disability
  • Permanent scarring or disfigurement
  • Property damage
  • Funeral and burial expenses in wrongful death claims

You could pursue a wrongful death lawsuit if your loved one was killed due to a trucking accident injury. To learn more about your legal options following the death of your loved one, contact the Sandy Springs wrongful death attorneys today. 

Call Sandy Springs Semi-Truck Accident Lawyers at Ashenden & Associates Today

Truck accidents and the resulting injuries can be life-altering for anyone involved. The injuries drivers and passengers are left with are often severe and can lead to a lifetime of medical treatments and expenses. If the commercial driver or company acted negligently, leading to the accident, they should be held liable for damages. 

If you or a loved one were involved in a commercial truck accident, the compassionate attorneys at Ashenden & Associates, P.C. are ready to help. Large trucking companies often employ expert attorneys to fight against negligence charges aggressively. The Sandy Springs trucking accident attorneys aren’t afraid of a fight and will do whatever it takes to recover maximum compensation.  
To discuss your case with one of our experienced trucking accident attorneys, contact Ashenden & Associates, P.C., by calling 770-394-8909 today.